effective presentations

Effective presentations are very much about HOW you deliver the content and this requires training and practice with a presentation coach. You will have to work for example on your voice, energy, body language, gestures and the structure of your presentation. 


Our instructors have been working in the customer training industry for more then 15 years and worked for large IT companies like Accenture and Hewlett-Packard. We are EXPERTS in rapidly improving your presentation skills for both face-to-face and online sessions


DEath by powerpoint

9 out of 10 people have NOT been trained in basic presentation skills due to which their presentation, training or meeting is not very effective. You are probably overloading your audience with too much information, talking too long, and distracting everyone with bad presentation habits.



 We don't waist any of your valuable time so we are using a very practical approach. We will start with an assessment to VALIDATE your basic  presentation skills. We analyze your weak spots and will then help you to improve them.




We can plan one or more training sessions to practice with you the various parts of your presentation. With our guidance and feedback you will be able to RAPIDLY IMPROVE your presentation. We can schedule a one on one session or provide a training in small groups of six people. Our immediate feedback together with your effort will boost your presentation skills in a short amount of time.


For one of our customers we increased the customer satisfaction from 20 to 60 points Net Promoter Score NPS. A very important part of the program was to BOOST the presentation skills of all the instructors from the customer through presentation skills workshops and setup an instructor community. We also created an automated reporting engine for the received customer feedback and scores. 




Are you still using paper printed business cards? This is not only very costly but also very old fashioned in today's fast moving online world. Create now your own Digital Business Card with QR code or ask us to create one for you! So now when you meet someone they can scan your QR code and they will get to see your Digital Business Card on their phone! There are a great number of different designs and card types with each their own unique functionality. Watch the video below to learn more. 

product Presentation video

With our team we can create for your product or service a product presentation video. You can use this video on your website to promote your service or product. Below is an example.


Are you going to record a video with yourself or in a studio? Ensure you are trained and prepared and know how to get the best results. This will reduce recording time and will boost the quality.  I'm a big fan of windsurfing so here I was interviewed by the "Watersport Verbond" and together we made this great video of our yearly windsurf event in Aalsmeer.


Paul Kaye 

Would like to thank John for the Certified Instructor training where we practiced new presentation skills. It was fun and challenging and was able to pass the exams. I feel much more comfortable in doing presentations now for my customers. Thank you very much to John and the other participants.


Faissal Laghrich
My private session with John was truly enlightening. Prior to the coaching, I believed I had a good grasp on effective presentation, but this session taught me invaluable lessons I never anticipated learning. I now feel significantly more confident and capable of swiftly adapting to various tasks or texts. Presentation skills are substantial and hold numerous hidden insights. I definitely recommend investing in coaching with John Butot.


Bahae-Eddine Ayadi
Het was een voorrecht om met John Butot te werken aan het verfijnen van mijn presentatietechnieken. Zijn deskundige begeleiding en toegewijde feedback waren van onschatbare waarde. Hij hielp me niet alleen om mijn boodschap helder en overtuigend over te brengen, maar moedigde me ook aan om mijn eigen stijl te omarmen en te versterken. Dankzij John's ondersteuning voel ik me nu zelfverzekerder en bekwaam in het spreken voor publiek. Zijn betrokkenheid bij mijn succes was opmerkelijk, met voortdurende steun zelfs na onze formele sessies. Ik beveel John Butot van harte aan aan iedereen die zijn presentatievaardigheden wil verbeteren. Hij is een ware expert en een bron van inspiratie voor effectieve communicatie.

My presentation training from John was very valuable. John is a master at presenting and giving specific advice to ensure the presentation flows smoothly. What I also really appreciate is that he is patient and takes his time until one part is good and only then moves on to the next part. I am also very happy with the results after 1 training.


Allan Schuster Bach

The Certified Instructor training was great! I'm proud I passed both exams for face-to-face and virtual environment  giving me the official Certified Instructor Badge. I'm still using the new presentation skills in my current job as IT consultant where I need to present to customers and colleagues regularly.


Zdravko Botushanov

I took the certified instructor training a couple of years ago and was really happy with the quality of the course and John's approach to training. He was really motivated to help everyone during the course to learn and improve.  I'm always happy to show off my certified trainer badge.